Making Love and the Respectful Middle ground are back!

Your Body is a Gift is written not only for the parent, educator, and all adolescent girls but any adolescent and adult who desires more and to go higher.

Anxiety, depression, and suicide are happening in a way we have never experienced. Has it occurred to you that our society has wiped out what is meaningful, natural, and true? Does anything matter? And how did we go from ‘making love’ to ‘having sex for sex sake’ ? This FYI Guidebook on Love, Relationship, and Sexuality is uniquely written to the daughter by the ‘Great Aunt.  I share what you want her to know and you need to remember. But where do you start? And why is it imperative that you do?

Her self-worth in life depends on what you know & share.     

Parents today must read, learn, and share. Story Tales and Cautionary Tales (all true) help get you started. The What, Why, When, and How are in each chapter. Her self-confidence begins with knowing and then practicing her VBS- VALUES  BOUNDARIES AND STANDARDS-not kicking a soccer ball or having ‘good’ grades. She will learn her personal boundaries (as will you) and be given valuable insights. And you? You will be reminded of the fun and immense value of certain life happenings meant to be looked forward to and waited for. And if you have re-entered the dating world…this manual is priceless. 



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1. The great phrase to begin using ASAP with your daughter - and why!!

2. How to use this FYI Guide Book

