Dear Parent, Grandparent, Trusted Adult & Educator,
THE NUMBER ONE THING TO KNOW - She wants to hear from You- NO MATTER WHAT SHE SAYS. You reading and being prepared is critical.
Communication between you and her is quite powerful. But where do you start? Parents must re-educate themselves and share with our daughters; not shy away. We too have been affected. Media has changed our world and shaken our roots. The last 3 generations (this includes us) have been slightly (& severely) brain washed. Hidden & forgotten information and a healthy perspective is key to your daughter’s self-worth and feeling safe. So, how do you share with her that real communication & a real relationship are THE pre-cursors to one day having a healthy physical and emotional connection? Affection, talking on the phone, and romance are the bomb…and they are missing out! This book/manual- is your tool. Why all the detail? Kids want to know why. Have you noticed just saying ‘No” and fear tactics mean little?
Carefully chosen information on The 5 Biggies- Communication, Relationship, Trust, Romance and Love are shared. Love & Respect are begging to reappear in all our lives. Are you aware that until 2000, almost all rock and slow songs were not just great, but had the operable word in every other lyric? LOVE. And then it all changed. What many of us just knew growing up, they have missed because of a twisted media & the Internet. Today’s parent must intervene.
Now, you can give her a much higher way by using the Story Tales & Cautionary tales and life- enhancing tools many adults have yet to acquire. My 20 somethings are begging for this information. Dialogue occurs from reading chapters on - Social Media and Your Phone, Pornography, Alcohol and Drugs, and How Boys Think gives the bigger picture and ties in Q & A, action- based suggestions & solutions.
The Four Keys to a Girl Knowing What is Best for Herself
A parent (or trusted adult) willing to share information and a respectful perspective.
The 5 Biggies- Communication, Relationship, Trust, Romance and Love
Simple Life Skill Tools help her connect her heart & Spirit to her body
Discovering her own V B S (values, boundaries and standards) that will guide her through life.
Help your daughter understand the importance of real communication and real relationship and that TIME-is on her side.
Waiting is cool- she grows emotionally and knows why!
She creates boundaries (emotional and physical)
She develops self worth from having done inside work. (Part 3) .Work many adults have yet to do.
She builds sense of safety . She can feel.