Hi! Beautiful Tween/Teen Girl,
The goal of Your Body Is A Gift is to give you the info you need and are not getting. Today’s media and the internet have changed everything. Public and cable media are not respecting your rights to grow up in a natural way. This book is heavy in parts, but will totally raise your confidence by a god zillion percent. I write straight to you (not your parents) as your Great Aunt 😊. I have few secrets. Parents are encouraged to read each chapter. But I have some who are simply afraid. Go figure. They don’t get that leaving you in the dark – even a little- hurts you in the years to come.
Ideally, you both would read a chapter and then at night – share your thoughts.
This FYI guidebook shares with you the what & why of what to do and not do with guys…while still in school. Trust me on that one. Why? Ha. I had 2 freshman years, (yuk. ☹) one in California and one in Texas. I went to the Jr. Prom as a freshman, had all the boyfriends a girl could want. And … well, certain things just work. I promise. Guys are guys. And no, they are not all alike. But they know what they like… when it comes to liking a girl. And I want you to know. It’s not what media is showing. This goes for most goofy teen magazines. Why are they doing you no favors? It’s all about the Mula.
Story Tales and Cautionary Tales are shared in YBG. All true. But the deeper stuff is the really cool part. Part 3 you will love, love love! You are shown how to use certain life skill tools you can use for life. You will not just find your VBS (values, boundaries & standards) but own them in your heart. The massive results I didn’t even realize, until I was close to finishing the book. And the best part…You will have way more fun socially. Why? You quite questioning everything because you know stuff!! You Knowing and owning your VBS builds your self-worth. But it’s better than that. Your precious self-worth begins to grow because you develop the practice of staying conscious. This is an inside job most people don’t know how to do- but you will! This helps you big time avoid Social Media slams.
Having fun, experiencing real communication, real relationships, affection, and romance are the bomb! It’s half the reason I wrote it!
I mean, what a drag to think you just have to do things as a teen that you don’t even really want to, know you are not ready for -It’s like getting tricked. Not anymore!!
The 5 Biggies I will introduce you to; the basics on love and relationship most (not all) people over 40 something just knew growing up. Today’s twisted media has done a number on all of us. It has slowly sold us all a bag of ________(poop) and it has gotten worse. With good information …you will have a deeper understanding of why The 5 Biggies are so important to understand. But the best part - Each Biggie allows you to have way more fun and with no shame or guilt! You will experience real relationship (with yourself, friends and guys) that lead you naturally to romance and will cut way down on caring about peer pressure. This in itself is worth reading YBG.
So why aren’t adults sharing this with you and being fully honest? Don’t tell anybody, but the last 20 years people have experienced so much change (and creepy behavior) parents don’t know where to start. This 6- year project is finally here. I warn you…it’s not for fraidy cats. It is here for girls who want to know who they are, want gut level honesty, and Life Skill tools for life.
I wrote YBG with a lot of love, wisdom, and real-life experience.
Your new Great Aunt,
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